Equine Therapy Our equine therapy is the backbone of the Ranchs character development program. This unique equine therapy curriculum is designed to utilize parallels in equine and human behavior in order to encourage positive social growth in at-risk students. Initially, our equine program instructors present basic horse care, safety, and handling techniques using hands-on methods to all new residents. Students are required to earn the privilege to ride and drive the Ranchs horses. In order to advance in the equine therapy program three-level system, students must display improvement in all three of the major areas of the equine therapy programs developmental criteria. Each of the programs levels is designed to encourage progressive growth and development in our residents. As students begin to understand horse behavior and the humane methods used to modify or eliminate negative behaviors, they are able to identify and correct changes in their own actions and interactions with others. Students who successfully complete the requirements for the programs third level receive a Trainers Apprentice certificate that details the accomplishments necessary for graduation from the equine therapy program.
Boys to Train Horses …a place where problem teens learn to correct problem horses. Once they have achieved the programs second and third levels, the students begin training unbroke and problem horses using internationally-renowned horse trainer Kenny Harlows Training with Trust techniques. The Ranchs equine therapy program instructor, Zeta Adcock, having formerly completed an apprenticeship with Harlow, has graduated from Harlows intensive year long Trainers Certification program. Adcock has also attended Roger Thom’s driving school in Centre County, PA, where students learn harnessing and hitching safety and the techniques necessary for driving multiple-horse hitches. The Ranch frequently hosts guest riding instructor and certified trainer, David A. Adcock, who specializes in hunter/jumper, dressage, and three-day event training.
Factors that Build Character through Equine Therapy Discipline: –All students begin the equine therapy program by learning proper grooming and handling techniques before riding privileges are attained. Students must exhibit the ability to follow specific safety rules, and must be able to respond to direction by the staff in order to remain involved in the program. Patience: -Students will learn to accept success, as well as failure, in the handling and management of horses. All students will appreciate that horses do not always initially recognize and respond to human authority. Through their experience in horse handling, students will recognize and develop personality traits that enable positive growth in areas of respect to and compliance with authority. Students will learn proper handling and riding techniques that will allow them to create a safe and effective relationship with horses. Handling and Overcoming Fear: -Students will experience both positive and negative aspects of fear. Horses are naturally predisposed to react to fearful situations by fight or flight responses much like humans. The young men will learn to recognize the positive effects of fear in potentially dangerous situations; however, through trust-building management techniques, the students will strive to encourage a horse to overcome its own naturally-occurring fear in many circumstances. Students will acknowledge their own innate response to danger in a manner that will allow them to evaluate and make informed choices concerning their life direction. *Trust: A comprehensive view of all equine training programs documents trust as the key principle to achieving response and relationships between horse and handler. Students will learn to acquire trust from the horses in the program through handling exercises and real-life riding experiences on the trail. Students will experience natural difficulties in practices such as loading, clipping, and obstacle crossing that will require a significant level of trust between horse and handler for successful results to occur. Perseverance:– Rarely does a horse exhibit complete submission to an authority figure at the start of training. Students must be willing to perform countless hours of repetitive and redundant training exercises to ensure a safe and compliant mount. Anger Management:– We believe that horses are perfect tools for teaching anger management skills in an authentic, social domain. Horses, like humans, seldom respond positively to abusive and tyrannical treatment. In the event of such treatment, trusting and respectful relationships are destroyed. Students will learn to control and redirect negative feelings, such as anger, jealousy, and bitterness in order to channel their energies in positive ways to achieve success. No training techniques learned by the students will involve abusive behavior. Any student who abuses a horse will no longer be permitted to work with the equine program until their behavioral issues are addressed in concordance with counseling procedures at the Ranch. Responsibility:– Students will be responsible for the complete care and management of the horses, barn, tack, and equipment. Under the direction of the equine staff, three students will earn the privilege of “horse chores.” Those students will complete chores and tasks involved in the equine management program. These students are responsible for recording feeding schedules, shoeing, and other health care appointments and procedures. All of the students will be responsible for grooming, handling, and saddling their own mount for the day in a safe manner. At the end of lessons, each student will use appropriate judgment for cooling down horses and for putting away tack, equipment, and supplies for future use. Accountability:- The failure of students to respect safety rules could result in disaster. Likewise, the failure of students to exhibit patience, perseverance, and anger management in training exercises could result in chaos. Students will learn through their experiences with our equine program that the end product of their own actions is apparent to others, is long lasting, and may require reparations, or may result in rewards. Leadership:- Horses are herd animals and possess a natural instinct to follow a strong, reliable leader. Horses, by nature, will turn from an unreliable leader that endangers the well being of the herd. Self-esteem that is built on honesty, responsibility, and accountability will be stressed throughout the program. The young men who are involved in the equine program at the Ranch will achieve skills through horse handling and management to be strong, self-confident, and fair leaders in their families, churches, and communities. |