Sorensons Tonga employs full time therapists licenced in the
state of Utah to provide help for substance abuse and other mental
health diagnosis. Students meet with their therapists weekly for
individual counseling. Additionally our program offers weekly
group therapy. Some of the specialty groups available are : Drug
prevention/intervention, peer, life skills training, adoption,
anger, grief/support, and more.
Many young people that are in need of an intervention for their
substance abuse also have another co-occurring mental health diagnosis.
It has been our experience that a problem such as depression,
anxiety, or PTSD, is often a precipitating factor for substance
abuse. Without specifically addressing both issues, the treatment
will be significantly less effective.
The clinical department at Sorenson’s uniquely includes both
mental health therapists and specially trained substance abuse
counselors. Substance abuse issues are addressed in group and
individual settings, as part of the overall treatment plan. This
well-rounded approach to assessment and intervention provides
our students with cutting edge services
The program consists of a strong behavioral component coupled
with a multi-disciplinary and multi-theoretical element. Using
a point-and-level system the client learns through basic cause
and effect principles. Additionally the client earns both positive
and negative consequences immediately based on observed behaviors.
We have the around the clock staff to provide the supervision
and positive role modeling to help individuals make changes. The
level assignment is made by point accumulation and a recommendation
of the multi-disciplinary team. Each level has attendant privileges.
The structure of our program is carefully designed to provide
close enough parameters that the client cannot continue to seriously
hurt himself/herself with self-destructive behaviors, yet he/she
has enough freedom to make choices within these parameters. It
is this opportunity for decisions and choices that allows the
student to experience the results of his/her behavior, both positive
and negative. In this way he/she is able to develop an internal
value system, rather than seeing rules and regulations as coming
from external sources that can be resented.
Each client is evaluated to assess the most appropriate interventions
and program emphasis. Therapy is vital to help the client to change
and resolve issues blocking his/her highest functioning. Clients
participate in individual and group therapy. Psycho-educational,
community, alcohol and drug, recreational, and topic groups provide
timely interventions for the individual client. Treatment plans
are written to specifically address the clients unique problems.
Recreational therapy is provided through our wide range of activities.
Each client is assigned a personal caseworker who has 3-5 clients
in his or her charge. The personal caseworker comes to know each
client as his or her own, acting as a personal advocate as well
as a mentor. The personal caseworker heads the client’s treatment
team, integrating treatment plans with other professionals and
acting as a contact person with parents or placement agencies.
Level 1- Pig:
Student recieves encouragement to improve.
Level 2- Turtle:
Students recieve a flower lei.
Level 3- Dolphin:
Students recieve their tongan name.
Students recieve wooden carved dolphin.
Level 4- Flying fox:
Students recieve the formal clothing of tongan culture.
Students recieve a small traditional gift from staff.
Level 5- Whale:
Students recieve a luau in their honor done in the unique tongan
–tradition, with a cooked pig.
Students recieve a wooden carved whale.
Students recieve a traditional gift from staff.
Call 1.866.490.3666 toll free. We’ll answer your
questions and point you in the right direction. We will take your
call 24/7 – Call Now!