Financial Arrangements
Sorensons Tonga operates entirely on tuition monies and has no
scholarships available. In some cases religious organizations,
state agencies, or insurance companies (depending on the individual
policy) will help with some tuition.
Monetary policy for Sorensons Tonga
The Admission Fees of $2,000.00 and first month’s Tuition of
$3,500.00 make a total due upon entry of $5,500.00.
Along with tuition, you will be billed monthly for personal expenses
such as co-payments on doctor’s visits or prescriptions. If clothing
is purchased for your child or any other miscellaneous items you
will be billed for those items on your monthly statement.
Sorensons Tonga must receive a thirty day notice prior to the
date you intend to withdraw your child from the program. If this
notice is not given, a penalty of an early-pull (which is an extra
month’s tuition) will be charged to your account.
Sorensons Tonga does not bill insurance companies. It is the responsibility
of the parents to pay. If parents would like to get insurance
coverage we can provide some treatment information.
Payment due before the 10th of the month.
If tuition becomes more than 30 days in arrears, student may be
sent home at parent’s expense.
It is suggested that parents do not give or send any money to
the student personally. Part of our level system is to have students
earn their spending money.
Monthly Tuition Cost: $3,500
Admission Fees: $2,000
To Receive an Admissions Packet Call us toll free at 1-866.490.3666
Clothing List for Sorensons Tonga
2 pair of blue jeans that fit correctly
5-7 pair of shorts
5-10 T-shirts
2 long sleeved T-shirts
2-3 pair swimming trunks
1 light weight jacket
1 medium weight coat ( The winter months in Tonga may have a few
cold days)
8-10 pair of underwear
8-10 pair of socks
1 pair pajamas or sweat pants and a shirt for sleeping
1 pair of tennis shoes
2 pair sandals or flip flops
1 pair hiking boots (optional)
1 set of twin-size sheets with pillowcase
1 blanket, quilt, or comforter
4 towels
2 wash cloths
Personal toiletries such as shampoo, deodorant, razors, toothbrush,
sun block
Items Not Allowed
NO black clothes including high top boots or Dr. Marten’s
NO gang, cigarette, alcohol, or rock band symbols on clothing
NO medicines or over-the-counter aspirin, Tylenol, inhalers, sprays,
etc.Nothing aerosol or with alcohol
Nothing expensive or of sentimental value
NO earrings for boys
NO CD’s walkmans, tapes, skater magazines, “R” rated
movies, cassettes (clock-radios okay)
NO knives or weapons
Call 1.866.490.3666 toll free. We’ll answer your questions
and point you in the right direction. We will take your call 24/7
– Call Now!