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Connect With Kids
Connect With Kids is an online resource for parents of teens and pre-teens, offering research-based articles and the latest news stories about what kids are up to, plus an online parenting community. We are here to help you connect with your kids!
National Youth Network
Education for parents of troubled teens on child behavior and interventions.
Youth Intervention Programs
Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Boarding Schools
Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Boarding Schools Military Boot Camps Residential Treatment Centers Programs Teens Youth Juveniles Girls Boys Teens Kids Children Oppositional Defiant Conduct Disorder ADD ADHD
Teen Chat – place for teens
Teen chat internet website – resources include teens chat rooms, free webcam chat, online fun and games, all designed for teenagers
Life-Skills for At-Risk Youth
ARISE Curricula and Staff Training for youth programs, schools, and instructors. We take the risk out of at-risk youth
Love-A-Teen Day
Official website of Love-A-Teen Day, which takes place annually on April 20. The site contains information on projects and contests that honor the courage, creativity and connectedness of today’s teens. Dr. Jeffrey P. Kaplan and Abby Lederman, M.Ed., co-founders of Love-A-Teen Day, feel strongly that “teen problems” and “teen violence” get way too much press, and created this day to acknowledge teens for the courage it takes to wake up each morning and face a chaotic, frightening world.
Parenting Adolescents
Expert advice in response to parents’ questions about understanding and managing their teenagers’ behaviors, other resources for parents and teens preteens
Parenting Teenagers Video Program
Attend 8 parenting classes at home and end the power struggles, solve problems quickly and start enjoying your teen. New retail version for parents of 9-18 year old preteens and teens
Parenting Teenagers
A ministry designed to inform, educate, equip, and encourage parents of teens – and help youth workers develop a more family-based youth minist
At ParentingTeensToday, parents can take a parenting quiz, subscribe to a free newsletter, read articles about parenting teens by Dr. Kaplan and “Supermom” Abby Lederman, and take teleclasses on effective parenting techniques. Teens are invited to take the teen quiz and download the Teen Bill of Rights and the Parent Bill of Rights
Parents and Teens
A community featuring articles, Parenting Teens Columnists, resources and books with a focus on helping parents connect with their teens
Parents. The Anti-Drug
Marijuana puts kids at risk. It is the most widely used illicit drug among youth today and is more potent than ever. Know the facts and risks
Troubled Teens
You have a great opportunity to extend your knowledge in the area of troubled teens. Obtain as much information as you need for making up your own attitude to this problem.
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