Liahona Academy is a fully
licensed and accredited Residential Treatment Center
for troubled teen boys ages 12 to 17 years old. We believe
that true education lies in the ability to control yourself,
in word, action, behavior, appetites and desires. The true
test of every program and educational system is the young
man it helps to sculpt and form.
It is important to understand that lasting results take time.
Short-term solutions tend to get only short-term changes and
results. Long-term lasting changes with enduring results are
only made when your child is given enough time to fully internalize
his growth and progress. Liahona Academy
provides the proper environment, opportunities, and time necessary
for your child to attain this type of Internalization.
To enroll your son in Liahona Academy call us Toll Free at:-
Download our “Enrollment Agreement” and complete
the requested information and mail it back to us at your earliest
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